When I was growing up, every Christmas my parents would give us a giant bag of peanut M&Ms in our stockings. Apart from the new coloring book and crayons, this was my biggest delight. My Dad still gives us this treasure except times are different now. Not that I don't need to eat them for "fat body" reasons, it's that I now have a son with a peanut allergy. We can't even have plain M&Ms because there is a peanut "warning" on the package. My poor son deals with this with as much grace as any 6 year old boy would when he can't have a treat like everyone else.
About these delightful little goodies, as you can see from the Christmas packaging I received these again this year despite my Dad knowing about my son's allergy. And guess what I did? Despite
my knowing my son's allergy, I ate these bad boys for breakfast (in hiding of course).
I had to get rid of them some how.
On behalf of your son, thank you for eating the m&m's. Next time call ME. I don't have anyone who has allergies at my house and I love m&ms. :o)
I usually put deodorant in Joe's stocking. PEEEEYOOOOOO
You better watch it girl. JOe thinks my goofy stocking sutffers are funny. Anyway, I think he started it......I usually put a new toothbrush in everyones stocking, but didn't this year bcoz the girls just went to the dentist and got new ones.
Yes please pray for me! I am getting blogitis and insomnia from staying up to read these silly things.
You better watch it girl. JOe thinks my goofy stocking sutffers are funny. Anyway, I think he started it......I usually put a new toothbrush in everyones stocking, but didn't this year bcoz the girls just went to the dentist and got new ones.
Yes please pray for me! I am getting blogitis and insomnia from staying up to read these silly things.
in stereo!!
You girls are soooooooooo silly!
Susie - yes, I have an insensitive father. Long story.
I took another picture of my kitchen today - it's pretty scary. Maybe I will share after I take my brave pills.
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