Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers - Mother's Day

When we become mothers we become someone special. We fall in love in a way we never dreamed possible. This is a love that is beyond words. It's an ache deeply rooted in the very core of our souls. Being a wife and mother is the greatest gift God has given me and I am continually amazed at His greatness with every step I take on this journey.

We as mothers are so very blessed beyond measure to be given children and we only have but a short span of time with those precious gifts. Let us strive to serve Him in raising our children to know Him. To give back to Him who has so richly given.

Today's lesson on Mothers: MP3 - RealPlayer

~ I regard no man as poor who has a godly mother. ~ Abraham Lincoln

"Her children rise up and call her blessed..." Proverbs 31:28 NKJV

Happy Mother's Day


Suzy-Q said...

Being a mother is all I have ever wanted to be. It is exhilerating and exhausting sometimes, but I wouldn't trade one moment for anything on earth.

Happy Mothers Day Anne.

Anne said...

AuntiJ - Until I was about 27 I never wanted to be a mother - I didn't see the point. But there is so much beauty to be found in the parent/child relationship - so much like our relationship to our Father in heaven.

Happy Mother's Day to you as well!

Anne said...

I wouldn't trade my choice to be a mother and my position in life for anything.

Fred said...

Thanks, Anne. Well done.

I hope you had a Happy Mother's Day.