Friday, April 27, 2007


I'm amazed at how important the sun is to me. In a matter of minutes my mood can change from just functioning through the day to happy and energetic... all because the sun came out. Nothing can replace it. Not even a big pile of chocolate.


Henny Penny said...

I am SO with you on this one! Last week was so dank and dreary I just wanted to stay in bed all day. I didn't. I just wanted to. Enter the sunshine, and voila! I feel like a new person!

Anne said...

Woman - I can be down as all get out and out pops the sun and I am immediately rejuvenated!

Foo said...

I used to think that the whole sunshine thing was a bunch of hooey. I mean, I'm the same guy who generally prefers to leave the fluorescent lights off at work and have just a small desk lamp burning. A programmer mushroom geek.

BUT. Lately, I've noticed that I'm a lot happier and more patient in sluggish rush hour traffic when it's a pretty day than when it's not. Unscientific, but it sure seems like the sun's a positive influence.

Maybe it's the vitamin D.

Whistle Britches said...

Got Sun??

Gotta Love the Son!!

Whistle Britches said...

oops! Annie that was me! AJ!!

Anonymous said...

I agree! by the way, why do those clouds have pimples?

R said...

I don't know why it has suddenly turned into that for me too. I used to love murk and dreariness. I don't know what the heck I have come to. I am one of you people. :)

So, a big pile of chocolate does sound better than sunshine; I guess I would just be a grumpy mess while getting fat eating it all.

Jenn said...

I can eat chocolate on an overcast day...easy enough. Of course, in the Pacific NW, I do it often.

Anne said...

Foo - I believe it's like an important food in our diet for better health. Only it doesn't add poundage.

AJ - You had me all excited that Uncle Joe was back. Sorry. It's nice to hear from you as well.

DoozerDorf - Only YOU would say the clouds have pimples.

R - Wow. I don't know anyone who likes dreary days. Chocolate is always good but not as good as sunshine.

Emma - I can eat chocolate anytime. It may not make me feel any better but it sure does taste good.

KingJaymz said...

It seems like I'm the only person left on planet earth who hasn't commented on this post yet...

I like about 2 weeks of sunshine a year. The rest, give me rain or snow. If this changes when I get older, I suppose it will only be poetic justice.

My mother has Seasonal Affect Disorder, so I know how dramatic an effect the sun can have on people. It is amazing how much better a mood some people are in with just a little sunshine.

~Jennifer said...

Oh yeah. Me too.

Anne said...

KJ - Only 2 weeks?!! No WAY!

Jennifer - I really needed some sun today!

Anonymous said...

At least I didn't say they have nipples