1. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16 (NKJV)
2. Being baptized on June 9, 2000.
3. My precious babes - my life began upon the days of their births.
4. My spectacular husband. I know, I might complain a bit but there are few men like this man of mine.
5. Smelling fresh cut grass and rain (here come the smells). The smell of the exhaust from the bike I once had and the memories of the times spent riding through the hills of Tennessee with hubby.
6. The sounds of my children playing in the yard.
7. My house when it's clean (these are rare occasions).
8. When my husband is home from work. While his 6 month lay-off was financially difficult, I enjoyed every moment he was here with us.
9. My sister being baptized this year.
10. Being able to quit my job and stay home with my kids.
11. Home schooling - a difficult task but very rewarding.
I'm sure I could think of more but I just noticed the time - very late.

Susie: Prayer can bring most excellent joy...pray on sister. I will be praying for some joy to be sent your way TODAY! Can joy come from bloggers?
1. DITTO I love it that salvation is a gift we don't deserve and can never do anything bad enough to lose it. (Charles Colson)
2. Jan. 1998
3. ditto Motherhood is a wonderful opportunity to contribute some decent humans to the world. And aren't all of ours just beeeooootifullll?
4. ditto Joe is pretty awesomely funny (lookin) and can play a mean guitar/piano. And I reserve my right to gripe about all his blogging all flippin day.
5. smell of my babies after a bath, the smell of Joe (I know that is hokey, but he smells good!) fabric softener, sun-tan lotion
6. ditto...but playing NICELY!
7. my house is rarely clean too, but when it is I just love it! We have sock interventions at my house. I hate to fold socks. I have a large basket full of single socks. Do you?
8. Joe is a home-daddy right now too, and like your life, it is hard, but I like it that he is home and now his hands are very soft.
9. My mother & her twin sister being baptized last month.
10. I am thankful for my jobs. We have insurance and I make a decent salary.
12. Public school here is pretty good. I have dreamed of home schooling, but our situation right now just won't allow it. Maybe someday. I am glad you get to enjoy it!
That is my contribution to your list. :o)
Susie - I didn’t truly find my joy until I became a Christian. Before that, I guess you could say my joy was “contrived”. My only "true" joy comes from the hope I have of spending eternity with God.
There’s a bounty of joy pouring like rain all around us. Prayer is amazingly powerful.
Luke 10:20 "...rejoice because your names are written in heaven."
Susie & Auntie Jo - thanks so much for visiting with me today!! It was good for me to dwell on the things that give me joy.
Susie - I want to see your joy list :)
I keep forgetting to tell you this: I love the name of your blog! It reminds me of something Cassidy said when she was a baby. We were trying to get her to say "Happy Birthday" to my dad, and it came out "Happy Boobaa"! We got a kick out of that and still say it, and she gets embarrassed. :o) I wish I could record all the stuff she and Carly did when they were little. Funny funny stuff.
Look at my post for tonight for something hilarious......
They come up with some of the funniest things.
Hi Anne, thanks for coming to visit my blog. Love your list of stuff that brings you joy ... it came straight from the heart. Think I need to work on one of those. We tend to write about, and think about, things that bug us, rather than what makes us happy, so your joy list is wonderful. Take care, have a great Christmas.
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