I would love to share with you something close to me - my Bible. I thought I would start off with some pictures of what I carry around with me to and from worship services and out and about in the event I need to look up something. This is the first Bible I bought. I like it because it has large print and it's easy for me. This is not a study Bible in that it has a very small concordance and it has no commentary (I'm not a big fan of another man's interpretation of the scriptures and clouding my judgement). I DO have some others that are more for study purposes that I bought after I became familiar with the one I had. I currently read the New King James translation (as if you all haven't figured that out by now). I've been trying to move over to my newer Bible but I'm such a visual person I can find things so easily in my older Bible because I can see it.

Someone had given me this cover a while back and it enables me to

carry some study materials and as you can see, plenty of drawings the kids have made while at worship services. I made a mistake and have since learned NOT to put the front and back covers in the inside sleeves - it tends to rip the binding off the Bible.

My favorite tools for highlighting and marking are a mechanical pencil with a fine point and these highlighting crayons. I'm not sure that's what they're called but they are alot like a crayon. I have pink, blue, green, and yellow. I like them because they don't bleed through the paper like some other highlighters I've used.

Some of my current study helps are
John - The Gospel of Belief by Robert Harkrider. Actually, we just finished that at the end of 2008 and I'm now teaching my son's Bible class using the
Our Spiritual Heritage curriculum. I love using this guide - it has helped me (being the visual person that I am) see the timeline of history from creation to Christ. Another book I'm using with our ladies' Bible class on Thursday afternoons is
The Furnishings of a Christian Home by Sherry Stephens - we are on book two. I really enjoy this class when I can get there. It is such a help to sit around with your Christian sisters discussing not only God's words but sharing the ups and downs of being a wife, a mother, and a sister in the Faith and how to be what God expects of us in order to be pleasing to Him.
Anyhow, I truly love my God and Father. So much so, that I can't find words to ever explain it's depth. I thought I would use my Bible to share with you how I've gotten to where I am and who I am at this present time. I only found out these things when I became a Christian and I have since learned that I'm strongly opinionated and have a pretty firm grasp on what I believe. I've learned that I'm extremely zealous but struggle with "teaching in love". I'm a "mater of fact" kind of person. One of my worst flaws - I believe I am always right. I am grateful that I know this about myself and I therefore have to continuously keep myself in check. For I truly believe there is only ONE Right and I can forever count on the one Truth upon which I can believe. It is my only guide, my only example, my only blueprint, my only map, my only recipe, my only instruction manual for life. When I have a question I know where I can find the answer.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. John 1:1-5 NKJV
Thank you for sharing. :o)
(I've never seen those highlight crayons. Neat.)
AT first I thought that book with the purple stripes said "P@RN". Then I realized what it said and I felt so stupid that I slammed my hand in the desk drawer to teach myself a lesson or two.
My church encourages me to be lazy with my Bible. They flash the relevant readings on a large screen, and highlight them in the program we get.
Now, if only I saved those programs.
I am ashamed to admit I don't know where my Bible is...well, the one I should be reading...But I cut my teeth on the NKJ and when I read Jesus words in any other version it sounds so off...
You are an inspiration Anne.
You are amazing and I love you!
Thank you for encouraging me today. I needed it.
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