Here is a picture of it from close up. I'm not sure why it's my favorite decoration - it could be the detail in it and the old-fashioned style of it. I'm not sure how old it is either. My mother-in-law (the finder of fantastic things) gave it to me some years back - I'm sure she found it at the Goodwill somewhere. I would love to recreate it and I have left it out of the decoration boxes a few times with the hopes that I might create a few more like it but I just haven't gotten around to it.
In the meantime I just enjoy it and hope it doesn't fall apart for a while.
I would love to see some of your favorite Christmas decorations and why they are your favorites. Let me know.
Thanks for sharing. I'd take a picture of some of my favorites, but the living room is still a mess from unpacking all the stuff we have.
I wonder if The Missus is just leaving the boxes out since we have to put them away in three weeks. Hmm...
I have found that if you have storage boxes that look like presents you can just store them under the tree. That's what you see under our tree - the boxes the kids store their ornaments in. Only we'd have a ton of empty boxes under the tree if I kept everything that way.
I love that! That is so different!
Thanks for stopping by ANNE!
You know, we had Christmas stockings that looked sorta like that! made of that nice wool felt...sequins...and bright colors. My mom still has them somewhere..
Janie - Thanks a bunch.
Poppins - I reminds me of my childhood a bit. Not sure which child I will hand it down to. :)
Thanks for sharing Christmas decorations with us.
Kim - You are very welcome. I wonder who you are? :)
THAT is adorable! :o)
Trying to think if I have a favorite...
*Merry Christmas!*
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