Hubba Doo? Yes. These were my daughter's words for "I Love You." My son would always say "I you." Precious words from precious children.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
New Doo
This is what happens when I sit at the computer desk for too long. Before long, a live-in creature slithers behind me and begins to transform my head. Help me!
I am sorry Anne. You knew the dangers of this happening when you had children. You made this bed, now you have to lie in it. HAHAHAHA!
At least it wasn't makeup. HEEHEE
You are so purdy!!
MWAHAHA! One good reason to have short hair like I do! ;o)
AuntieJ - It wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't expected to walk around all day like that.
Bee - It's so original isn't it?
Piggy - I'm sure she'd figure out SOMETHING to do to my hair no matter what length it was. She just loves to do hair.
lets hope she never has a pair of scissors in her hand and you are unaware of it
dooz - That WOULD be bad!
That creature comes to my house too! And gives me the same hairstyle! And I thought I had an "original" doo!
Time to grow my hair again. Love the 'do.
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