This is yet another challenge from the Big Badooz and for some unknown reason I am complying. This is my favorite brand of toothbrush and I have been using it since it came on the market. I just love the cross-action - it's great at cleaning the gum line. I use this in conjunction with my favorite toothpaste containing Xylitol which naturally reduces tooth decay. We use Wintergreen flavor - HubbaDood's favorite. I'm not a big fan of fluoride and avoid it as much as possible.
I think I should win a prize for the best picture don't you think?
Badooz - Is that the prize for the cleanest "mom van" or a new prize for best toothbrush picture? :)
If not for the best picture then at least for the best description of a toothbrush!
does it vibrate, I love vibrating tools
I umm, don't see why flouride would be bad seeing as how I have inherited the bad habit of getting cavities and flouride has helped tremendously!
Nice pic!
you should totally win!
I was going to take a picture of my 'toothbrush' but I haven't been able to find it since 1983.
We have been studying the history of the toothbrush and toothpaste in school this week. Emily and I are grossed out beyond belief at what we have found out so far. You think flouride is bad? Many of the first formulations of toothpaste were made with human urine!*Blech*
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