Saturday, January 28, 2006

Microwave Mania!

Somehow I didn't think this weekend's assignment from Suzie Badoozie was going to involve showing the world our microwaves and actaully, I'm glad it was that and not something else. I will not give away my true weaknesses here but for some reason, my microwave is NOT.

I remember our first microwave back in my youth. It was as big as a console television set and somehow we managed to find a place on our countertop for it. Our first micro-treat, microwave popcorn. No, that wasn't around then but we used brown lunch bags with a little bit of butter and a scoop of kernals. Not sure how long it took but it was fantistic to us. My mom's favorite snack was, and is, popcorn.

We had that microwave for a LONG time. It would ALWAYS have hidious food chunks dangling from the roof. Any person in their right mind would be afraid of hunky chunky chunks falling into our warmed up soup or chili. I have a friend who used to sell Pampered Chef and she said it was so awful to go to someone's house to do a show and the microwaves be full of food spatter.

I take great care to cover my food in the microwave to keep down the mess and I'm quick to clean it up IF something gets out of line. I DO NOT use plastic wrap in the microwave or any type of plastic. Only glass. Maybe I will post about that in the future. Just remember the word Dioxin.

Okay, here it is and NO, I did NOT clean it before taking the picture.


firebarbie said...

anne, that microwave really is toooo clean. looks like it needs a nice bowl of chili, nothing on top to keep it in the bowl and boom....all over the really is a shame you've missed out on this wonderful pasttime

~Jennifer said...

I'm sooo embarrassed. Everyone is posting clean microwaves. I'm a true slob.

::::slinking away::::::

Jenn said...

wow, you are clean.

Suzy-Q said...

Annie I need your pinkie promise you did non micro-plagerize that doesn't have the Annie Blue Hue......:o)

Other wise, WOWIE ZOWIE!

Anne said...

I promise I didn't clean it.

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Anne, that is one clean microwave. Looks freshly polished to me !!! As I said on Susie's blog ... I'm chicken and ashamed ... I ain't posting my microwave in all it's putrid glory. No way. Well done, though ... yours is something to be proud of.

Suzy-Q said...

OK Annie you have to say the words, "I Anne, pinkie promise that I did not clean this microwave prior to photographing it."

Just are one clean Mommy! I am impressed!

Anne said...

This is the ONLY clean thing in my house. Suzie just hasn't found the right thing to get me on.

Whistle Britches said...

I think that's what microwaves must look like in heaven. Anne, are you an angel showing us a glimpse of heaven?

Anne said...

Thanks Uncle Joe!

David Cho said...

Wow. Has it ever been used?

Anne said...

david cho - yes sir! Use it every day. I have a thing about my microwave being clean. Not much else though.

Paula said...

Man! Would you come over and clean my microwave?? I have four children all who are of the microwaving usage age and, well, it just doesn't look like yours!

Anne said...

Paula - mine is mounted over the stove - my kids couldn't reach it if they tried. It's even hard for ME to reach at my whopping height of 5 ft. tall.

keesh said...

Nice!! i need to get a new one and if I do, I vow to take care of it the way you have yours. There is a good cleaning tip I learned for cleaning microwaves. I will post about it on my blog. Toodles

Anne said...

Suzie B - you better be looking hard. I've left not so subtle hints all over the blogsphere.

Kish - I'm looking forward to those tips.